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At least two views of layout undertaking are consistent with the action-centric perspective. The two involve three common activities.
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A design strategy is a preferred philosophy that could or won't comprise a guide for particular methods. Some are to lead the general goal of the design. Different tactics are to guide the tendencies of the designer.
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In the reflection-in-action paradigm, designers alternate among "framing", "making moves", and "evaluating moves". "Framing" refers to conceptualizing the problem, i.e., defining aims and objectives. A "move" is a tentative design decision. The evaluation approach might result in further moves within the design.
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The rational model was independently developed by Herbert A. Simon,[8][9] an American scientist, and two German engineering design theorists, Gerhard Pahl and Wolfgang Beitz
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In the sensemaking–coevolution–implementation framework, designers exchange between its three titular activities. Sensemaking involves the two framing and evaluating moves. Implementation is the process of creating the layout object. Coevolution is "the method wherein the layout agent concurrently refines its intellectual photograph of the layout object in accordance with its intellectual image of the context, and vice versa"