At least two perspectives of design undertaking are in step with the action-centric perspective. The two involve 3 common activities.
1990年以降に道内で発生した震度5以上の地震 防災グッズ&非常
A design procedure is a general philosophy which may or might not include a aid for particular methods. Some are to lead the final target of the design. Other procedures are to lead the developments of the designer.
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In the reflection-in-action paradigm, designers exchange among "framing", "making moves", and "evaluating moves". "Framing" refers to conceptualizing the problem, i.e., defining aims and objectives. A "move" is a tentative design decision. The evaluation approach may lead to further strikes in the design.
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The rational model was independently developed by Herbert A. Simon,[8][9] an American scientist, and two German engineering design theorists, Gerhard Pahl and Wolfgang Beitz
地震情報 2020年09月17日 14時00分頃発生 最大震度:3 震源地:茨城
In the sensemaking–coevolution–implementation framework, designers trade among its three titular activities. Sensemaking involves both framing and comparing moves. Implementation is the method of making the layout object. Coevolution is "the method in which the layout agent concurrently refines its mental picture of the layout object in accordance with its intellectual photograph of the context, and vice versa"