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At least two perspectives of design activity are consistent with the action-centric perspective. Both contain three undemanding activities.
Russian hockey player Timur Faizutdinov dies after being hit by puck
A design strategy is a preferred philosophy which may or might not include a guide for particular methods. Some are to steer the final target of the design. Different procedures are to lead the traits of the designer.
Eishockey: Talent Timur Faizutdinov stirbt nach Treffer an den Kopf SportMix
In the reflection-in-action paradigm, designers trade between "framing", "making moves", and "evaluating moves". "Framing" refers to conceptualizing the problem, i.e., defining aims and objectives. A "move" is a tentative layout decision. The analysis process could bring about further moves in the design.
Timur Faizutdinov morto a 19 anni dopo essere stato colpito dal disco durante una partita di Hockey
The rational model was independently developed by Herbert A. Simon,[8][9] an American scientist, and two German engineering design theorists, Gerhard Pahl and Wolfgang Beitz
Hockey : décès tragique du défenseur de 19 ans Timur Faizutdinov, du Dynamo en Russie
In the sensemaking–coevolution–implementation framework, designers trade among its three titular activities. Sensemaking comprises both framing and evaluating moves. Implementation is the process of making the design object. Coevolution is "the procedure wherein the layout agent concurrently refines its intellectual photograph of the layout object in accordance with its intellectual picture of the context, and vice versa"